no cease to the ceasefire

27 02 2007

The Ugandan ceasefire is going to expire.  Kony just hightailed it to the CAR, so does it really matter?

the oscars

25 02 2007

The Departed has one already!

take me back

24 02 2007


lost & regained

21 02 2007

The last few weeks have been a blur and a frenzy of emotion and activity.  Here are some highlights:

  • I took a job, turning down some other options that I had on the table and several other great leads.
  • The job I took is in Dubai.
  • I remembered that I have a camera and that I have tons of pictures that I haven’t looked at in ages.
  • I’ve been reading the Baca Saga, Fabulous Females, and Riveted Pining.
  • Classes are busy and I have a lot of work to do, but it’s my last semester and I have a job.
  • Joseph Kony & company are in the Central African Republic.  That’s quite a hike from anyone I know in Uganda!
  • These two (1 & 2) got engaged!
  • I’ve been reading websites and books about Middle Eastern culture and Dubai.  It’s really fascinating, much more so than I had originally expected.


15 02 2007

I just spent about half an hour getting my car out of its parking spot.  I had two other people who pitched in and two snow shovels and I still barely made it out.