everything i love is killing me

26 10 2006

I can’t believe how many hits I still get because of the posts I wrote about why I wake up early and about polyphasic sleep.  I have changed from getting up so early every morning.  In fact, I think I am less of a morning person that I was a year ago.  Right now, I am going to bed around midnight and getting up between 7:15 AM and 7:30 AM.

I went bowling tonight and did awful.  I used to average around 145 and I didn’t break 100 tonight in the two games I bowled.  That’s pathetic.

The luncheon at the Duquesne Club today went well.  I had fun and it was nice to meet some more alumni and hang out with them there.

Firefox 2.0 is out.  Go get it.

Pros:  Spell check, sleek interface, bug fixes.
Cons:  Google Web Accelerator doesn’t work with it yet.

the new reading

28 09 2006

I remember hearing an adage some time ago that went something like “Read a book a month, a magazine a week, and a newspaper a day”. I have no idea who that saying can be attributed to, but I always thought it was a good idea. I read the WSJ almost every day, I read a magazine or two a month, but I don’t really read a book a month. So what have I been reading?

  • Get Rich Slowly. This guy has some great advice. Plus, it is usually geared toward the younger crowd and it helpful for people getting ready to graduate from college, who are looking for a job, and who want to become financially stable.
  • Financial Advice for my Son. Another financially geared website.
  • The Dilbert Blog. Scott Adams writes the best comic strip that’s currently being written and his blog offers humor and philosophical musing that keeps me reading.
  • The Uganda Conflict Action Network. Yes, I get Google News updates on Uganda, but this site offers some additonal things and also states where information is coming from.
  • Lifehacker. Lifehacker is just fun. It has so much stuff on there that I don’t even subscribe to the main feed, just the Friday one. I check it occasionally through the week, but it really does have some great stuff on there.
  • Money and Values. Here’s another real life personal finance blog.
  • Joel Maxwell. This guy is working himself out of debt. It’s a great story.
  • Ask a Bartender. Hilarious.

Remember, always use a RSS reader to check up on blogs.  Don’t be dumb and always visit them.

I’m going to go read a book.